03/22/2014 08:39

By-Laws of the South Westside Olympia Neighborhood Association

Adopted March 20, 2014

ARTICLE I – Purpose

The South Westside Olympia Neighborhood Association (SWONA) shall be a non-profit corporation.  Our purpose is to preserve and protect the character and infrastructure of the neighborhood, the rights of its residents, and the quality of the natural environment.  We will do this through involving all neighborhood residents and businesses in full and democratic discussion of issues that affect the neighborhood’s quality of life, informing the city of our views and advocating on proposals that affect us, and providing an opportunity for social activity and interaction among neighbors.

ARTICLE II – Membership and Boundaries

Sec. 1. The association shall have only one class of member, known as a “general member.  Members shall be defined as persons age 18 or older who reside within, own property or have a place of business within the neighborhood and who have paid annual dues or who are otherwise required by the City of Olympia to be eligible for membership in order for the Association to qualify as a recognized neighborhood association.  Dues shall be set by the Board of Directors and presented to the general membership for a vote at the annual meeting.    Dues shall be payable in January or upon joining.

Sec. 2. The boundaries of the neighborhood for these purposes are defined as that part of the City of Olympia east of Black Lake Blvd and Division Street, south of Harrison Avenue, west of Capitol Lake and north of Percival Cove, Percival Creek and Cooper Point Rd/Auto Mall Way.

ARTICLE III – Meetings and Communications

Sec. 1. The annual meeting shall be the third Thursday in March.  The Association will establish a regular meeting time annually at its annual meeting, to be not less than 4 times per year.  It will give 15 days prior notice to residents through web site notifications, email lists and signs posted in the neighborhood, including in the information kiosk located at the kiosk in Decatur Woods Park.  Prior to its Annual Meeting, the Association will post several signs on major arterial streets within the neighborhood such as Decatur St, 9th Ave, 4th Ave, etc in areas within the boundaries of the Association.

Sec. 2. Ten percent of the membership must be present at a meeting to elect officers and to approve payment of bills in excess of $35.00. Approval of request for spending and/or payment of bills over $35.00 and election of officers requires a majority vote of the quorum present at a regularly scheduled Association meeting.

10% of membership shall constitute a quorum.

Sec 3. The Association’s officers and members will identify major issues taken in communications with city officials and other bodies as those of the Association only when a position has been established by vote and is included in the minutes.  An Association position on such issues must be approved by more than one half, 50% plus 1 vote of the members voting at any meeting of the association. Proxies shall not be allowed.  The results of the vote, including the number voting and the percent for and against must be recorded in the Associations minutes.  Association views are to be identified as those of the membership and not the neighborhood.

ARTICLE IV – Officers

Corporate officers shall constitute the Associations Board of Directors. Those officers are: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer and a member-at-large.  Ten percent of the membership must be present at the Annual Meeting to elect officers.  Officers will hold office for a period of two years.  The president and Treasurer shall be elected in even years and the Vice-President, Secretary and member-at-large in odd years.  The board may appoint members to fill vacancies or call for a special election.



ARTICLE V – Amendments to the By-Laws

Proposed amendments to the by-laws must be submitted to the Board of Directors for review. The proposed amendments and an explanation of why they are being considered will then be sent to all members at least 30 days before the meeting at which the changes will be discussed.  The amendments may then be voted upon at the next regularly scheduled Association meeting; with at least 15 days notice given that the meeting will consider by-law changes.  Approval by a majority of members present at the meeting where the by-laws change is being considered is needed to amend the by-laws.