South Westside Olympia

Neighborhood Association 







SWONA Picnic

Come enjoy live music, hot dogs, games and neighbors. Feel free to bring something to grill, salads, desserts, beverages, side dishes, chips. We could use pop-up tents for shade. We also need volunteers for grilling along with set up and clean up folks. Join us!

Date: Sunday August 13th

Time: 1-6 PM

Where: Perry St., Between Harrison and 4th Ave


We Hope to see you there


Become a member


contact us at 

OR mail to: 

2103 Harrison Ave NW
Suite #2-848
Olympia, WA 98502




Our mascot, the opossum, is named "Puck" after a famous literary character.  Puck -  Also known as Robin Goodfellow, Puck is Oberon’s jester, a mischievous fairy who delights in playing pranks on mortals. Though A Midsummer Night’s Dream divides its action between several groups of characters, Puck is the closest thing the play has to a protagonist. His enchanting, mischievous spirit pervades the atmosphere, and his antics are responsible for many of the complications that propel the other main plots: he mistakes the young Athenians, applying the love potion to Lysander instead of Demetrius, thereby causing chaos within the group of young lovers; he also transforms Bottom’s head into that of an ass.



This is the neighborhood association for the part of the City of Olympia east of Black Lake Blvd and Division Street, south of Harrison Avenue, west of Capitol Lake and north of Percival Cove, Percival Creek and Cooper Point Rd/Auto Mall Way.


Membership is $10 (or whatever you can afford, more is always appreciated) per person per year (see the FAQ section for a membership form).  We have accomplished quite a bit in the last few years thanks to some super volunteers.  Check out the parks at 9th & Fern,  the end of Decatur St and overlooking the 4th ave roundabout next to the mural.


Visitor's notice:

We welcome visitors from anywhere.  Please check out all the pages on this site and leave a comment on the "Comments" page.


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The SouthWest Olympia Neighborhood Association, SWONA, does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, selection of volunteers and vendors, Hiring and firing of subcontractors, and any other neighborhood activities. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all our members, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors and neighbors.


If you haven't already visited, check it out as well.  It is not an official neighborhood association web site but it is a valuable resource for the residents of the South Westside and surrounding neighborhoods.  If you are a member of, you know it's value.  If you are not a member of it's easy and free to join.  Here's the link:


December 2022 meeting minutes and March 16 meeting agenda added

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Hi folks - As a follow up to the discussion we had at our quarterly meeting on September 15, we are...

Next SWONA meeting is IN PERSON!

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For the first time in two and a half years we will be having our quarterly meeting in person at the...

The Welcome Spot is no more

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If you have walked by the old Welcome Spot pocket park on 9th and Fern in the last week you may...

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Spring cleaning of SWONA mural on Olympic Drive NW

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Hi folks - Yesterday a few of us did the semiannual maintenance of the mural, pressure washing,...

SWONA Annual Meeting is Tomorrow!

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Our 2022 Annual Meeting is tomorrow via Zoom.  Hope you can make it.  Mark Toy and Cat...

Christmas Light Parade on Westside on December 2!

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June and September SWONA meeting minutes have been added

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You can find minutes from the June and September 2021 SWONA quarterly minutes by using the tool bar...

Mural and Membership Application

09/19/2021 08:51
Hi folks - just a couple of updates. First, the mural.  We plan to do cleaning today and...
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