Bike-to-Work Day May 16

05/13/2019 22:45

SWONA is again hosting a chat-and-refresh stop for Bike-to-Work Day on Thursday, May 16 at the south end of Decatur Street where our Bike-Ped Pathway and Poetry Post begins.  From 7 to 8 am (or so) we offer coffee (donated by Olympia Coffee Roasters in the past), water, doughnuts (donated by Doos Donuts in the past) and any other baked goods someone might want to contribute.  We have had up to 30 bike commuters pass through in past years. 

We will be distributing a flyer showing the new housing development development just to the west where the City has authorized a future (??) road entrance from the middle of the Bike-Pedestrian Pathway.  We'd like to inform the people who have come to love and rely on the pathway as a calm and non-car way to travel of this threat.