September 2021 Meeting Minutes

11/04/2021 15:36

SWONA meeting minutes

9/16/2021 7pm -  8pm


Mark reminded everyone of the ground rules, taught folks Zoom etiquette. Ryan is the moderator of the meeting. Ryan welcomed everyone as president.

Ryan encouraged everyone to do introductions with their names and what they love about our neighborhood. Great turn out of people! So glad to see new faces. Bethany Leahy talked about the benefits of SWONA!

Valerie and husband talked about block watch.

Tim Russell owns Rainy Day Records.

Ryan mentioned one thing we haven’t done in a while is talk about ways to renew our dues online. Dues are 10$ Cat did a screen share to show the Google form that will be available on the website and in email from SWONA that shows how we can keep track of folks dues, options of how to pay our dues with links, an address to mail payment if so choose. There are also some optional questions which help us to better understand what to bring to SWONA as a board. Cat Kelly is going to attach the link in the zoom chat. It will also be sent out in the meeting notes as well.

Ryan turned it over to Mark for his city council … Mark needs someone to maintain the website, and someone to attend the neighborhood association, writing up the neighborhood matching grant … need someone with grant writing experience,

City council forum…… Thurston County Media is helping do it digital. Oct 2nd will be the recording and will be posted for streaming following Wednesday the 6th. There will be 5 – 30 minutes YouTube segments. 5 questions and opening and closing statements. Moderator will be Paul Horton, professional moderator. West Central Park has some live music coming up so check out their website!


Karen Janowitz shared about the Janowitz on the board of DERT Deschutes Estuary Restoration ….. what does T stand for?  Talked about how sediments, New Zealand mud snail, money from the legislation to do an environmental impact statement. Within in the last few months there was a public draft impact statement. Improve water quality, improve ecological functions, sediment flow, ….. DIS looked at three alternatives…. Which is doing nothing…. Currently….. take out the damn and make it a estuary again, another is to keep the damn in manage the fresh water lake, do part fresh water lake do part estuary… on the board which started 12 year ago… get rid of the damn dam and restore estuary. Talked about why estuaries are the way to go …. Beneficial and ecological functions ... so we could have THAT DOWNTOWN….. re-establish the estuary would improve water quality, Karen provided the link for DERT DIS and discussed how Capital campus, governors office, tribes are involved… and they will come up with a preferred alternative in 2022 and they will relay a cost and they will see what happens from there….. Oly city council members have unanimously supported the estuary. Discussed concerns of toxins, dredging, etc. DES runs it….. talked about either way there will be major construction coming years from now……… thanks to Karen for providing this information.


Rebekah from OPD Community Programs … some broader city trends so we are aware to keep an eye out for in the neighborhood. Big trends that still continue is catalytic converter thefts. The arrests they have made has been when a suspicious activity happened. They need help with reports of suspicious behavior. Two happened in SWONA since last time we met. Both 2007 Prius. Honda Pilots, Fit, Element and trucks… easier to get under. Prius has a higher value. Older ones are easier to access. Crime prevention if you can’t park in the garage, park in a well lit area, even if you scare someone away and they leave….. please call it in. Officers will keep it on their radar as calls allow. No SWONA reported but increased motorcycle theft. Toolboxes from truck beds are being targeted as well… prying them out and stealing the tools. Make sure to always lock your toolboxes and park in garage when able. SWONA had one garage theft. They left their garage open. Security cameras were able to catch. Take a picture of your bike! And notate serial number that can help police locate later. Jacking cars up and stealing tires and wheels. If you see any suspicious activity, just call it in. Some residential burglaries and suspicious activities coming from down the hill. Some alley activities that has been suspicious as well. Talked about a local church reaching out about graffiti clean-up. INCLUDE REBECCA’S EMAIL. They do home security assessments…. Suggestions on locks, fencing, lighting…. They will come out and survey property and doesn’t usually take more than an hour… crime prevention….

Mural update … Saturday 25 – 25th  they need volunteers ….   

Ann Vandeman was not able to make it with the gardens this time of year.  

Talked about package baits, due to porch thefts.