
Candidate Forum Survey for fall election

09/11/2019 19:32
Greetings,   The Olympia Council of Neighborhood Associations (CNA) is sponsoring 2 candidate forums for the upcoming City Council elections -- one on the eastside and the other on the westside. We have created a SurveyMonkey to gather questions from neighborhood residents. Please share the...

September updates

09/11/2019 12:23
The agenda for the September SWONA meeting is on the 'agenda' link on the left side of this webpage.  We will have a bunch of  updates on stuff happening in the neighborhood, including a longer follow up discussion on whether we should engage in a Subarea Planning process.  We have...

SWONA Annual Picnic A Success

09/01/2019 12:51
Our annual neighborhood picnic was graced with a beautiful summer day, the volunteer planning committee up and at ‘em early raising tents, firing up the grill and preparing the kids’ games. We decorated the park fence with a row of tall and colorful windsocks that set the tone of celebration and...

Special Planning Commission Meeting for Capital Facilities Plan, Monday, September 9

09/01/2019 12:46
The Olympia Planning Commission special meeting agenda for Monday, 09/09/2019, is available for viewing on the City website, City of Olympia - Calendar. The meeting packet will be available on the City website through the ”meeting details” tab, City of Olympia - Meeting of Planning...


09/01/2019 12:42
On June 6th and 13th, 2019, Alex Vo purchased two, mandatory advertizements in the Yelm and Nisqually Newspaper seeking public comment on his request for a Construction Storm Water General Permit (CSWGP) from the Department of Ecology for his “Wellington Heights” project. This permit was required...

We've changed our contact e-mail

08/26/2019 19:46
Hi neighbors - We've updated our contact e-mail to . Please make a note of it.

June 2019 SWONA meeting minutes are posted

08/13/2019 19:50
June 2019 SWONA meeting minutes are now available under the 'meeting minutes' link on the left side of the main webpage

July Updates – August picnic and other upcoming events

08/04/2019 09:59
If you live in Southwest Olympia you are invited to our annual picnic on Saturday, August 17 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Decatur Woods Park.  We will have a couple of grills and will supply hot dogs with fixings plus some beverages.  Everyone is invited to contribute...

May updates

06/08/2019 19:32
Neighborhood Matching Grant   Good news!  Our Neighborhood Matching Grant application was accepted!  This grant will help us with the following: New signage to replace the old signs we had for notifying folks of upcoming meetings; Liability insurance that we need to get a...

Bike-to-Work Day May 16

05/13/2019 22:45
SWONA is again hosting a chat-and-refresh stop for Bike-to-Work Day on Thursday, May 16 at the south end of Decatur Street where our Bike-Ped Pathway and Poetry Post begins.  From 7 to 8 am (or so) we offer coffee (donated by Olympia Coffee Roasters in the past), water, doughnuts (donated by...
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